Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The First Stitch

I have always wanted to knit since I was a little girl. My mother bought me a children's knitting book while we were living in England. Many years later I was rummaging around in an old box and stumbled upon this long lost treasure. My adventure began! I learned how to cast on and make a knit stitch, a scarf or two emerged, but not much else! I needed a real person! A few years passed and I met a wonderful lady who sat with me and showed me how to knit and felt a purse. My first real project was a whopper for a beginner but it got done and I still use it to this day. During all of this rapid learning I was being treated for brain cancer. Knitting became a real life line during those long months before surgery and especially during recovery. The surgery was physically devastating I lost most motor skills and had to relearn everything. Knitting was a "safe" thing for me to do because it didn't require sharp objects....well not too sharp anyway! I was able to retrain my brain with hours of knitting, lots of purses filled my closet as this was the only thing I knew how to knit! Today I am learning new techniques and filling my house with lots of projects. It has come to my attention that one only needs so many hats, scarves, purses and whatnot so now my unsuspecting friends and family are being bombarded with knitted goodies. Christmas is upon us and the knitting goes on into the night.....

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